southdown/live sand question


I know this is not the way everyone does this ,but I have a 55 gal. tank with 4 inches of southdown sand. I just filled it with ro/di water and I am adding salt. Southdown sand has made water extreemly cloudy and I am wondering if I can add live sand so the bacteria will help settle the small particles before the temp and salinity is where it needs to be. Reason I want to do this is I am not ready to add live rock and want the salt to disolve better, so I want to add a heater now.
Any Ideas?
Thanks- Joe


Active Member
I would get the temp and sg right before adding ls. My thought is that ls is "live" after all and you don't want to kill off the live stuff.
BTW, the cloudiness will settle in a couple days so don't rush things. The two biggest rules in this hobby are be patient and do the research first. So, know what you want do and then go slow!


thats how i did my tank too, and its doing well. I mixed the water first though, cus now freshwater is trapped beneath the sand. dont add LS yet, but expect the water to cloud up for a while. For about the first 6 months, your sandbed will be very volitile, and it doesnt take much to cloud a tank. sooner or later the fine layer of silt will sink down into the sand bed and your tank will be perfect.


Thanks for the advice... the tank did clear up, and after adding the heater, have been able to get the salinity where it needs to be.
All that is waiting is I need to get sime free time to go to the LFS for some LS/LR!
Been really busy- I am in a musical that is the 1st weekend of December, been in the recording studio this week- plus been busy with my best friend who lost his grandmother over the weekend.
Maybe next week some time i'll get a chance--- can i just anything just letting the tank sit there with SD sand, and salt water? (water was filtered)


I would at least get some LR and LS in there to start the cycle, cuz it will have to sit there for a few weeks AFTER you add it anyway, and I hate to wait.