Southdown Sand


New Member
Okay folks...explain this to me like I was a two year old...LOL...What exactly is southdown sand and where do you get it. I've read on here a little about it and it seems that most of you people on both the east and west coast have a hard time finding it. Where exactly does it come from?


New Member
One more question...on a couple pieces of my live rock, where the red algae is, it is starting to turn snow white...very bright white color...never seen this before???
Southdown is a company that produces "tropical" play sand. I payed about five dollars for a 5lb bag of sand from my lfs compared to a 50lbs of Southdown for four bucks. The only thing is that it's mainly sold on the east coast. I found two bags at the home depot two weeks ago and brought one like an idiot. Went back four days later and can't get it no where in Philadelphia. So if you get your hands on some get while it last, and make sure it's tropical because southdown is just the companies name.


New Member
Thanks for the info guys...we just had a new home depot open up here a few weeks ago so i'll check on that. Any ideas about the live rock question??
Hey Blueyed
From what i have found it is "hit" or "miss"
I called the two closest HD's and came up w/ nothing but on (lucky) third store I located over 100 bags of the all famous "south down"
It cost $4.20 not bad and that here in New Hampshire I plan on picking some up within the next few days.
Before I started on this BB I saddly paid $35 for CaribSea at my LFS and it's the same as the south down.
Good luck :D