Southdown Tropical or Quickrete


I have decided that I would like to put the playsand down with about 20 lbs of live sand on top of it. I have found the Quickrete at Wal-mart but have not come across the Southdown Tropical yet. Does anybody think one is better then the other or are they both pretty equal???
Thanks everyone for the help <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Thanks for not calling me a dumb **** yet. What I've been ready people are pleased with the quickrete. I haven't heard anything bad about playsand yet... And those seemed to be the two brand names out there so I wondered if one was better then the other???
jeffandnance don't feel stupid. When I called HD to ask about Southdown, she said that they had that and quickcrete. I said the same thing, "You want me to put 150 lbs of concrete in my fish tank!!!! Are you some sort of idoit!!!" But there is a play sand made by quickcrete, as she explained after I got mad at her. Kinda made me feel like a big ass. <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


Active Member
aj I have a 90g myself and I put 150lbs of quickrete playsand and 60lbs of live sand on top of that and it is between 4 and 5 inches. Oh yeah jeffandnance I bet you feel really stupid right now don't ya. jk :p


Hey AJ I am going to throw my 2 cents in here. If you can get Southdown get that. I was unable to find Southdown in Illinois. I did however find Quickcrete Play sand. They have 2 different kinds. One is a reg mix and the other is what they call a commercial. The COmmercial looks so much nicer and is smaller ( also white ) Stay away from that. After a milky with Tank for 4 days and 4 hours cleaning my Equipment, and 3 months of waiting to get money for what I just messed up and to set it up again I just finally got my 125 back online again. Be very careful what you choose. HTH ;)