SOuthdown w/ live sand


I have purchased my 75gl (woohoo!) But my question is If I buy a bunch of south down and say 5lbs or so of live sand would that be enough to help the process along of all the sand becoming "live"? And how much sand do you put in a tank? I never used it before I ony have used CC. I am asuming that you do not vacume the sand but do you just mix all the live sand and SD together in the tank? (just dump it all in?)
Any help is apreciated
Tom <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


you should buy,in my opinion,at least 75-100lbs sd sand,20-30lbs ls(5lbs will work but very slowly)and you did not mention lr which will also help make the sand live,I would get 100-150lbs for that..sounds like alot but after many different tanks and experiments this would set you of to a great start


Thanks For the info I am going to add a little LR to the tank but slowly after the main part of the cycle To expensive to do 150lbs at once! hehe
Tom <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


I just put 3 inches of Quickcrete play sand in my 55 gal last week. I haven't had any problems at all. I haven't put any live sand in yet but hope to do that this week. I have read on other posts that Quickcrete does just as good as Southdown. Hope this helps.