Southern cali locals


Is anyone else here from southern california?
Trying to find a local store or something that could get me moving in the right direction, the more i read the more complicated i realize everything is, trying to find some people i could actually 'talk' to, be it on aim or in person at a local store that knows what they're doing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dammar
Is anyone else here from southern california?
Trying to find a local store or something that could get me moving in the right direction, the more i read the more complicated i realize everything is, trying to find some people i could actually 'talk' to, be it on aim or in person at a local store that knows what they're doing.
Many, many potential aquarists have felt like this, and been lead horribly astray by stores.
Have you tried posting questions here?


im sure ill flood the newb boards in a few days once im done reading, still waiting on my books just reading everyone elses questions on the forums for now


i guess i can post a basic question, just to show how big of a newb i am.
what do all the abbreviations stand for?
LR = live rock
LS = live sand
LFS = local fish store?
what else is there?


Active Member
Great question. Here is a link to a thread in the archives where Beth listed abbreviations: Link
Not bad though, you got your first three correct.
Some other common ones off the top of my head:
CC=Crushed coral
RO/DI=Reverse osmosis/Di-ionized water


New Member
Originally Posted by Dammar
Is anyone else here from southern california?
Trying to find a local store or something that could get me moving in the right direction, the more i read the more complicated i realize everything is, trying to find some people i could actually 'talk' to, be it on aim or in person at a local store that knows what they're doing.
I live in El Cajon. I have used Fountain's Aquarium on University Ave. in La Mesa for more than 20 years. They have some very knowledgable people who can help you. They also have some young kids that don't know what they are talking about. So ask to talk to one of their salt water experts.
I also found a place called "Aquatic Warehouse" on Complex St. in Kearney Mesa. They have a very good selection and pretty good prices. Most of their employees seem to know what they are doing and can also help you.
I also buy from this site and have been very pleased.
My experience has been that salt water fish die very easily. I would suggest that when starting out, never buy any expensive fish, and only buy fish that are easy to care for.


I'm a bit far, Murrieta, but stationed at Miramar. Besides, don't know if I could be of much help. I've only had my tank for 3 months, but have learned a lot from these folks. First lesson, as journeyman mentioned, don't always trust your LFS. I made that mistake and now have a whole bunch of chemicals and addatives I don't need. Ask the LFS first, then check with this site. Check out that link also. That REALLY helped me out. And I agree with MrMike. If you don't like buying online, Aquatic Warehouse is the place to go.


I'm way south in So Cal, South Orange County, so the stores I know of probably wouldnt be much help to you, but you are welcome to Email or IM me.
AIM: Rhyfelmarch
I am in diamond bar, Ca and I go to a place called Strickly Fish in lakewood. Pretty good store, most of the older employees really know their stuff. Friendly and they have given me pretty good advice in the past. Unlike some other stores I have been to they actually told me not to buy certian fish when I told them what other fish I had. Ive been going there for several years. If your looking to start a SW tank, there is a book that was recommended to me called "the concentious(sp) marine aquarist". they sell it on this site. I picked up a copy and have started reading it. Its really informative. I dont have a SW tank yet but am considering changing my FW tank over.
if your going to buy a bunch of equiptment, the store i mentioned has a sale twice a year where everything is 30-75% off. They just had one last weekend. and all tanks are sold at cost. pretty good deal if your making a huge purchase.