Space between Corals


New Member
Hello Everyone,
I have been reading up on various soft/hard corals and many descriptions say "adequate space to be provided between other corals".
In general, how much space is required between aggressive corals? 3-4 inches? Most pictures I see of established reef tanks seem to have the coral placed on top of each other.
Any info is greatly appreciated.


It will depend on the type and size of the corals. Certain types of corals, such as hammer corals, have feeding tentacles that they extend that can sting other inverts. These feeding tentacles will vary by the size of the corals, also. Add your corals slowly, and give them lots of space and observe them. If they have excessive amounts of room between them after watching them for a week or so, move them slightly closer together and keep an eye on them. Just be sure not to get them too crowded.