Spaflex Picture please


Active Member
I want to use spaflex to plumb my chiller. The stuff at HD and Lowes is blue and black and has ridges. I looked on line and it looks COMPLETELY is white and looks like flexible conduit. Which one do I use.

devil dog

Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
I want to use spaflex to plumb my chiller. The stuff at HD and Lowes is blue and black and has ridges. I looked on line and it looks COMPLETELY is white and looks like flexible conduit. Which one do I use.
the stuff at Lowes up here is white and flexible... did you ask anyone here if it can be glued? if so it should work...


Active Member
I've seen the stuff you are talking about, but that's not the stuff. The white flexible is what you want.
Be sure to look up high. Every Lowes and Home Depot I have gone to looking for it has had it, but it's always been so high up they've had to get a ladder to get to it.


Active Member
It gets into the 4" plus range. I've even seen 6" stuff. So... I'd say big enough.
The nice thing is that it fits right into fittings. For some reason the pic shows the stuff used with barbs and hose clamps, but that's not the way it's usually installed. It can be glued right into fittings.


Active Member
sweet gonna build my house soon and wanted an easy way to plumb it into the wall and get to the basement and the biggest i found flex pipe thats used with hose barbs was 1.25 and want my drain bigger and would rather not run hard pipe. thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
It can be glued right into fittings.
What type of glue do I need? Is it the regular pvc cement or something special?? Thanks for the photo coach...that the stuff I saw on-line....I will go back to lowes tommorow and see if I can find that.


Active Member
Just normal glue.
I have found that the best quality joints are achieved with a lot of glue, to the point where it squishes out of the joint when the pipes are pushed together, and forms a little "bead" on the outside of the female fitting.
Also be sure to seat the spa-flex fully into the fitting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Just normal glue.
I have found that the best quality joints are achieved with a lot of glue, to the point where it squishes out of the joint when the pipes are pushed together, and forms a little "bead" on the outside of the female fitting.
Also be sure to seat the spa-flex fully into the fitting.
10-4, thanks


FWIW, google "flexpvc". They have a pretty good FAQ page.
They also have black and gray spaflex too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
For some reason the pic shows the stuff used with barbs and hose clamps, but that's not the way it's usually installed.
I will glue it where I can....but there is 1 or 2 connections I might need to use a barb and clamp on...Im assuming this will be OK, judging by coachs picture.