spanish hog

john harlan

the other day when i added the hog fish he freaked out and hit one of the rocks and now has a big gash on top of his head.

small triggers

Active Member
It would be a good idea to pull him out and put him in a qt with some bacteriacide medicine so he doesnt get an infection...

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
It would be a good idea to pull him out and put him in a qt with some bacteriacide medicine so he doesnt get an infection...
and make sure the QT water stays in check so it can heal and not add anymore stress to the fish, mix vitamins in the food so he stays strong.


Active Member
I would just leave him for now. Chances are pretty high that if he's not in a stressful environment (i.e. being bullied by other fish) and and the water quality is good, he'll heal up quickly, and the risk of infection is actually pretty low.