Special pvc glue


I have noticed that most of the pvc constructions use purple glue. I am only familiar with the clear glue. Is this a special glue that's better for aquarium/water usage?


Active Member
its the cleaner thats purple. rthere are different brands some are lclear some are purple. I've never noticed a difference in holding power.


As reefkprz said it is the cleaner/primer that is purple. Most glues are clear. There is actually a blue glue that is supposed to hold better if the pipe is not completely dry when you glue it (for example, if there is still a little water in the pipe if you are repairing a line that had already been in use) but every other glue that I have seen for PVC is clear.
You do have to watch that you get a glue that is designed for use with pvc and not for cpvc or abs as they are different glues. As long as it is designed for use with pvc you should be fine.


Active Member
PVC glue is also used on cold drinking water lines and is not toxic after it cures.


CPVC glue is specially formulated to chemically react with CPVC. If you use it on regular PVC it will not hold long term. You will get a failure in the joint down the road. It may take years, but it will happen. Only use glue that is designed to work with the material you are using--PVC glue for PVC pipe and fittings, CPVC glue for CPVC pipe and fittings, and ABS glue for ABS pipe and fittings.