species list


Active Member
o.k im trying ot put a species list for my 200 gallon, i want to keep it very simple yet very interesting
GAS, i know you touched on some of these ideas, so hopefully i can go more in depth with the list
basically i only want a few fish some heres what i was thinking..if anyone can give me the best "together" list that would be great. and i think i want to start my 200 gallon with all juvenille fish then transfer them to my 420 in about a year....
1 shark...probably banded
1 ray...probably cali ray
1 v. lion..or whatever lion will be compatible
1 eel. i want a nice looking eel..somethign appealing but not too large( theres alot of eels and i cant pick one..this is the hardest one
ALSO if anyone wants to add or subtract any fish please give me some suggestions. such as not getting the shark yet and getting somethign else or just subtracting it. i really want a ray..and i also really want a cool eel
any help is appreciated!!!!


Active Member
Definitly get a goldentail moray! VERY beautiful eel and will not bother any of your fish at all. Maybe a jeweled moray? Your line up sounds fine.


Originally Posted by psusocr1
o.k im trying ot put a species list for my 200 gallon, i want to keep it very simple yet very interesting
1 shark...probably banded
1 ray...probably cali ray
1 v. lion..or whatever lion will be compatible
1 eel. i want a nice looking eel..somethign appealing but not too large( theres alot of eels and i cant pick one..this is the hardest one
ALSO if anyone wants to add or subtract any fish please give me some suggestions. such as not getting the shark yet and getting somethign else or just subtracting it. i really want a ray..and i also really want a cool eel
any help is appreciated!!!!
Sounds similar to my tank... check it out:


Tangs are great with sharks and rays. They also add a lot of color and activity to this type of tank.


Active Member
what kind of filtration are you running?? wet/dry?? powerheads etc.??
anyone think i can get a tesselata or fimbriated?? i love those 2 eels


40 gallon refugium w/ bio balls, liverock and caulerpa. Coralife Super Skimmer 220, 36 watt UV sterilizer
Go for the tesselata


Active Member
i like the honeycomb and the blue ribbon eel also...but im trying to do as much research as i can so i can see what would get along with everything


Active Member
o.k after reasearching i foudn that a blue ribbon dies very quickly..hes out...everyone loves there snowflake,,and well the tesselata a.k.a honeycomb is very aggressive...i liek that but will he eat a ray or a lionfish?? i really want him but it isnt looking good....by the way im going to make sure all my animals are juvenilles so they are all around th e same size and can grow up together