Speedy Sebae Death!!!!


New Member
Hello everyone,
I have a 55 Gal that has been set up for 8 months now. It was started with pure RO/DI water, 100 lbs LR, a 5" DSB with 20-25 lbs of that being "True" live sand. Circulation 3 penguin 1140's on a wavemaker. Filtration is live rock of course, an overflow box with a mag 12 pump returning from a 30 gal sump/refuge packed with various macro. Lighting 500 watts metal halide retro with 2 20,000K Radium bulbs.
Current dwellers are 1 coral beauty, 2 clarki clowns, 1 royal gramma, 1 green mandarin, 1 lawnmower, 5 turbo snails, 1 chocalate chip star, 1 orange linkia star, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded, and tons of other various critters that hitchhiked with the LR.
My tank parameters are:
dKH........12 or 214 ppm
Nitrate........3.0-4.0 ppm
Here is my problem....I purchased a rather looking healthy Sebae anemone from ***********. Received it and it was nice brown color with bright purple tips. Anyway, I drip acclimated it for abt 4 hours then released it into my tank. First thing I noticed is that it would turn itself upside down on the sand and any help from me to keep it upright seemed futile as it would eventually turn upside down on the sand again over and over.
I eventually left it alone and the next morning I noticed its base was very fat and full of water (still upside down) so I took this as a good sign. After returning from work, I noticed it had shrunk drastically and I thought it had just expelled its water but the next morning it was the same shrunken up anemone. I have left it alone and noticed it has been releasing littlre strings and clouding up the tank. Today its mouth looked like it was pushed out and it was releasing green looking mucus. I lifted it to the top of the tank and it did not smell HORRIBLE like some people say, but it did have a little stink to it.
Anyway, it was really releasing crap into my tank and i did not want to take any chances, so i moved it to a 29 gal quarantine that is set up and cycled hoping it might still make it. Anyway that was 6 hours ago and it looks like mush now....anyway why did it die?
I know MANY people will say my tank is not mature and what have you, but on the contrary I believe the way I started my tank from the get go that it IS a more mature and stable tank than most of the peoples tanks that tell me it's not HAHA, J/K.
Anywho.............where did i screw up?


Doesn't Live Aquaria have a 2 week guarantee? It's been awhile since I've ordered from them. Everything you listed sounds okay to me. Your nitrates are a little high, but not off the charts or anything. We bought our anemone when our tank was only about 3 months old. My husband just plopped it in and we've had it ever since. He even survived getting sucked into a powerhead last week! :eek: Sorry to hear that you lost yours....maybe someone else might have an idea what happened. I wasn't much help, sorry!


Active Member
I have had some experience with anenomes and in the past ordered from various sites. I am not sure about the green ooze, although they do regurgitate (spelling horrible) food through their mouths. I also think that you should have turned off your filtration, power heads to allow the anenome time to attach to the LR/walls. I dont think that your lighting would have caused this but then again you do have alot of light on your tank. But probrably not the cause. You probrably just got a very stressed animal in the mail. It is always a crap shoot getting stuff like that through the mail. I just received a shipment of 500 hermits that were shipped and received completely rotten. Did you have alot of corals in your tank? If so what kind, how large. There might have been a chemical attack when you put it in your tank. There are so many different reasons that this happened. I had one anenome that lived well for a few months and then slowly shriveled up until it was about 1/4 inch in diameter. It turned completely white and I think it just dissolved. You never know what exactly is going to happen but dont be discouraged, just do more research, not advise from LFS owner/sales people. You'll get it eventually. Good luck and good fishing...


Active Member
anemones are tricky creatures.... i have had 6 so far and all but one have survived.... the one that did not survive was a sebae.... he lasted about 3-4months started out a nice yellow with purple tips then slowly turned into a brown anemone then shrimking up and expelling his inards..... i removed him before he was totally gone and had to flush him.... really sucked but i didnt want my tank to be poisoned....
the other 5 anemones i currently have is 3 LTA and 2 RBTA.... if i were u i would try to get a bubble anemone first most people seem to have success with them as long as they meet the lighting requirments and good water parameters..... u have pleantly of lighting and i think an established enough tank the only thing u need to bring down is your nitrates
other than that i dont know why your anemone would have died.... sometimes its just luck of the draw...


3-4 ppm of nitrates is ok I think....IMO, anything above 12-15 might need a glance. Was just wondering what kind of skimmer you were using. Also what additives do you dose into your tank. Clutching at straw here since your water parameters look good to me.