Sperating 30 long into a refugium & sump?


Can it be done? I am setting up a 125 and I wanted to go the route of a refugium and had an igenious idea ;) . Would it be possible to use a 30 long or bigger tank and put a devider seperating off 2/3 of the tank from the other 1/3. Then I figured I could use the 1/3 for the sump to keep a skimmer and the other 2/3 could be used a the refugium that overflows into the sump? My only concern is the pressure on the divider? What type of sealant do I use to make sure that it wouldn't burst?


I'm doing that exact thing with a 20g right now. My lfs is drilling my tank and they are going to put an acrylic divider in the sump/fuge for me. I'm not sure how think it will be though. So it should work but i just don't know how thing the acrylic should be. Probably 1/4"?


I'm useing a 30 long for my sump and 1/4" acrylic for the dividers. I bought one large piece and cut the pieces I needed out of it then I used silicone (aquarium safe) to glue them in.I don't think there is any preasure on them because there is water on both sides of the dividers.


Silicon sealant works very well with glass and acrylic combination. I did it myself. The bond is very strong. Make sure surfaces are dry.


Active Member
I did the same to a 55 gal. I put in extra acrylic peice butted up against the divider for the pressure problem.
SteveL is right, their will be no pressure, unless, the sump side water level goes down.(forget to add top off, ect.) I did this for assurance.