Spiderman 2


Iam seeing spiderman 2 the first day it comes out!!!!!:happy:
I love those comic book heros!!!Except,when the Hulk came out in thearters bruce banner didnt look like a dork! He's sopose too!


The second spider man movie looks crazy! Looks like they are trying to throw in a hint of the matrix into the movie with all the slow-mo and stuff.


Active Member
I am a BIG Spiderman fan of the comic books and although I would like to see 8 or more SM movies, I seriously wonder if that might be a bit too much. The sucess of the first one was due to the lack of and anticipation of a big budget big screen and the latest visual special effects movie of Spiderman ever. Will the Spiderman movie wear out its' welcome or will it be like the 007 movies that go on forever? I'm sure die-hard Spiderman fans like me will see every one that comes out, but will other people get tired of it?:notsure: :thinking:



Originally posted by DrkDweller
i heard he's signed for 8 movies, would be cool to see vemon and carnage

Yes,venom and carnage are going to be in the 3rd movie!YAY!
And they are making "spider man v.s Hulk":happy: