spike in ammonia

i had a 0 ammonia and now it .25 how do i get it down? and is it because my bioload too much or maybe added too many fish at the same time


Originally Posted by southstar066
i had a 0 ammonia and now it .25 how do i get it down? and is it because my bioload too much or maybe added too many fish at the same time
Tell us how old your tank is and what is in it. What did you add last and when? You can reduce the ammonia by doing a water change.
sorry, tank is 2 months old, i have two clarkiis,urchin, tile star, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, bi color dottyback, sixline,cuc,torch coral, bta, sun anemone, zoo frag, 2 brain coral, sun coral, 2 coco worms, and the ladt thing i added was a piece of cured live rock...could that be the culprit?


Originally Posted by southstar066
sorry, tank is 2 months old, i have two clarkiis,urchin, tile star, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, bi color dottyback, sixline,cuc,torch coral, bta, sun anemone, zoo frag, 2 brain coral, sun coral, 2 coco worms, and the ladt thing i added was a piece of cured live rock...could that be the culprit?
Yes, the rock could certainly be the culprit. It may have had a dead spot from the tank at the lfs, where the water flow wasn't reaching it. Do a water change and keep an eye on it. If you see the ammonia spike higher then you may want to put the rock into a bucket or a qt tank until it re-cures.