SPIKE! Oyster


New Member
I woke up this morning and found my BEAUTIFUL oyster really open :) On closer examination. There was no Oyster in the shell and my hermit was eating what was left sticking out of the shell.
I removed the shell and tested the water. My tank is 10 months old but it was all set up with coral and water from my established tank. I'm not sure if my Oyster died and caused the spike or the spike killed my oyster. Either way I want to keep everything else happy and alive. I did leave the filter system off for 6 hours overnight so make sure my dwarf seahorse didn't get sucked into the filter. (he was in there a week and just started getting stuck on the filter suction. I have since covered it with a filter bag so he doesn't get sucked into the pad. Other than the Oyster being gone everything looked perfect in the tank but:
Ammonia 1.0
Nitrate: 10
Nitrite: 0
PH 8.0
Salinity 1.023
My tank now has 2 seahorses (1 is a dwarf in the tank 12 days) 10lbs LR, 1 seacucumber. 2 corals and lots of feather dusters. All my copods died at the end of June when I had a pet sitter that didn't know to top off the tank. Thank g-d nothing else died off.
Well the water testing was this morning, since then I suctioned the bare bottom and changed 2 + gallons (24 gallon nano with nano skimmer) I also added Nitromax, liquidgravel and marinemax to add a boost. This evening I tested again and found the levels the same. I added Nitromax and tested about 2 hours later and now things are "within range" but high.
Should I do a waterchange tomorrow as back up?
Also does anyone know where to get black Live sand?