Spiny Blue Lobsters

I have heard two different stories with these guys. The LFS says they are mean and agressive, but all the research I have idicated others. He is about 2" long currently, and within a month will be in a 75 Gallon tank and by summer will be in a 150 (thats the largest I am going). Is he laid back and peaceful or he he a pain in the a** to deal with it??


Active Member
I was interested in one of these guys but couldn't get a straight answer on reef suitability other than once put in the tank I would probably rarely see him.
I know they get rare large, which is why he would be in the 150/180 in the summer (I keep going back and forth on the size). The one at LFS stays hidden in a rock cave, but you can see him. I know they are mainly active at night, but my purple lobster, was able to reset himself to be active in the day when he their was more food avaiable to eat.