Spiny Oyster question


Our tank is almost two months old now and seems to be doing well-finished cycling and all. Anyway, my husband was looking on SWF for something different and seems to like the Spiny Oyster. :thinking: There isn't any information on it though....does anyone know what they eat, their care level, etc.? Any info would be great. Thanks!!


Active Member

I'm also a nooby, but from my "Marine Invertebrates" By Ronald L. Shimek, PH.D. oysters feed on substantial amounts of phytoplankton. Must be oriented in the position they had when collected, as they have good balance sensory organs and will become stressed if positioned upside down or at odd angles. Do well under reef normal conditions. Perfect animals for a tank where the low-light intensity would help prevent algal fouling. Predatory animals, such as shrimp, crabs, hermit crabs, whelks, and "nipping" fishes will impact the animal, feeding on its exposed tissues. Also need 50gal or larger tank. Hope this helps some. Maybe on the reef board they will know more.


Active Member
to each thier own, but they dont really do much, most find that they get bored with them taking up the real estate in thier reef. I like um, but wouldnt dedicate the room for one.


:thinking: Hmmm....maybe it might be too much for our tank. We have lots of hermits and stuff. Thanks for the info!!