

What size tank is your Leopard tank? Do you have a website up where I could take a look at it more? I believe I remember you had some pictures up on the construction once.


the tank is a custom 180. 8Lx2wx18"H
I put the construction page back on my site again. some of the pics might be different, I cant rtemember what I had on there before. I have a ton more pics if you want them. I am going to add more 30 second videos in the near future.


thanks for replying. I had no idea that leopards got as big as they do until I started reading posts on them last night. What are you going to do with them when they get too big for your tank?


my buddy owns an aquarium store and maintance business that maintains large aquariums, so he will get them in about 2 years.......
I have a maroon clown, unicorn tang and two sgt majors along with the two leopards. I just sold my remora and yellow tang today. I will be getting rid of the unicorn tang and two sgt majors soon. These fish have gotten so large they dwarf my leopards! So I will only be keeping the maroon clown with the leopards...


That tank is sweet !!!! You did a very nice job on the construction and placement . I have a 180 g coming in a few weeks . It is going to be acrylic ... Is your tank acrylic or glass ? how did you do the canopy with part of the tank in the wall ? Thanks


Thank you very much! My tank is acrylic. What are the dimensions of your new tank? I built the canopy so it is flush with the dining room wall. I will take a close up of it tomorrow.


The dimensions are 6' x 2' x 2' . This will also be going inside my wall in my basement. Any advice you could give me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


The was the same dimention tank I had before the one you see in the pics...
Things to look for when starting a "in wall"... telephone/ data lines, electrical lines, and load baring walls... The first thing to do is to turn off the power and roto zip out one side of the dry wall... only cut as deep as the dry wall so you dont cut any electrical lines or whatever else might be in the wall. Once you removed the piece of dry wall look to see what if any lines need to be moved. Once you move the lines, use a "saws all" to cut throught the 2x4s and other piece of dry wall out.... then frame out the hole and build out the stand.... need any help let me know... Good Luck!!


The wall I will be putting this in does not have anything , other than a outlets 8" from the floor . I built the wall in my basement so luckily should have no problems there .
Did you build the stand yourself ? or have it built ?
the canopy is going to be the fun part trying to figure out how to get 3-250w metal halides and 2-6' VHO ..
I was called today and it looks as though the tank is done and should have it by Jan 6th .
Can you shoot me an e-mail or a pic of your filtration ?
this is what i am going with , tell me what you think .
1 - 36" wet/dry with a dolphinmate 3600 pump . I am going to have 1 12x6" overflow and put a spray bar across the top as I will not have any powerheads .
a kent marine protein skimmer , 100lbs lr and 4-6" sandbed . and the lights are 3 - 250w metal halides & 2 - 6 ' VHO ...
MY E-MAIL IS msrankins@machlink.com
Thanks for the help !!!!