Splendid Dottyback



Has anyone had any issues with a splendid dottyback being aggressive? We have had him in the tank for a few months with no problems. A few weeks ago got 3 peppermints, and this morning found one to be MIA and the other badly beaten. I am not really sure who the culprit would be. We have a reef lobster that is about 3 inches long, but never had any issues with him. Only other tank mates are more inverts (small emerald crap, hermits, nassarius, turbos and a cleaner shrimp) and a midas blenny. This is the first time we have had anyone get bullied. Just wondering if anyone has any feedback on the dottyback.


Active Member
I would have to venture that the most likely culprits would be the lobster then the emerald then the hermits and then possibly the splendid. I had mithrax crabs in my tank that out of the blue started attacking anything they could get their claws on.


I am more worried about it being the crab than the lobster. I am staying up a little late tonight to see if i can catch anything. I would much rather ditch the crab than keep losing my peppermints. Thanks for the information.


id put money on the dottyback. We've had two and they both destroy shrimp. only one we have been able to keep is a large aggressive coral banded shrimp that did just as much damage as the dottyback.


More than likely, the dottyback is the culprit. That being said, I wouldn't keep shrimp with a reef lobster either.


We took the dottyback out man that was a pain, but no problems since, knock on wood. one morning i woke up and my midas blenny was picked on pretty bad so i figured it had to be the dottyback. thank you guys so very much for your help!