Split In Two?


I think my Florida Condi split in two. It sure looks like there are two separate anemones now. It was spread out in an odd position this morning. I looked at it and it seemed to have moved. When I look closer, either it has taken up some advanced for of yoga, or it is now two.
Is this a bad thing? Do I need to get one out?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
its not necessarily a bad thing for your anenome to split, although it could mean there's something wrong with your tank and it split to try to survive.
lack of light, stress, too much/not enough flow, no food, etc.


Active Member
I have never heard of Condylactis splitting as far as natural reproduction method like some hosting types do. I have heard of injurys causeing them to though. A photo would help or maybe some ones knows if they split normally or not.


It’s common for anemone to split or bud for reproduction if there is not an opposite --- to breed with but it also can be a sign of stress as "Renogaw" stated earlier. I would check your water and light quality. It may also be starving and split to reduce its food requirements. When I worked at a LFS our rule of thumb was if the anemone had any color other than white it needed strong light for its zooxanthellae and we refrained from manual feedings. On the other hand most (not all) white anemone rely more on manual feedings (no more than once a week). Not all white anemones need feeding though some anemone expel their zooxanthellae during the lightless stress of shipping and arrive at the LFS “bleached” white. With proper light and water quality most begin to regain their color within a few weeks. Most all anemones accept manual feedings but many do well (or better) without them this is determined by the fecundity of your tank.