Splitting an anemone


Hey, has anyone ever split their anemone? I have seen pictures and such of this, but I am nervous to try it. Is there anyway I can encourage my RBTA to split? Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by mlr492
Hey, has anyone ever split their anemone? I have seen pictures and such of this, but I am nervous to try it. Is there anyway I can encourage my RBTA to split? Thanks
2 ways, manually splitting it right in half with a razor (prob not recommended) but some do it with much success. The second method is forcing it to split. Feed it every day for a couple of weeks. In most cases this induces a split as the anemone stresses. Its not good to stress an anemone but under a controlled scenario its IMO the better way to get it to split. I have seen this done many many times with no ill effects to the anemone or its clone.


I could not have asked for a better answer. Perfect. Thank you SO much. I'll let everyone know how it goes. One more question though, when it splits, do the two parts move away from each other? If my anemone were to move at all it would run into something, it's getting way too big, which is why i'm hoping for the split. Thanks again!


Active Member
Mine have stayed within 6 inches of eachother, but I don't know if that is the norm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mlr492
I could not have asked for a better answer. Perfect. Thank you SO much. I'll let everyone know how it goes. One more question though, when it splits, do the two parts move away from each other? If my anemone were to move at all it would run into something, it's getting way too big, which is why i'm hoping for the split. Thanks again!
There would need to be a reason why they would want to move away from each other. Cloned anemones have a 100% success rate of co-existing with each other. But, anything can happen... I cant say for sure but odds are in your favor of them staying put. Especially if it has been there for a long time, and you havent changed any of its environment around.


I just took a picture of my anemone. I think it is splitting currently, I just didn't see it. I can always help encourage by feeding. But what this looks like is, the foot of the anemone looks like it's growing another anemone on the side of it. The grown is the size of a quarter. Does this mean the growth will eventually detatch itself from the foot and form a whole new one? I'll post pictures! Got some good shots!


The anemone is def currently splitting. I just took pictures, it looked like it had a tumor, just went back 3 minutes later, the whole side is sticking out. I have to go to work so I won't get to see :( Too bad, i've got a clear view too!!!! Pictures soon!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mlr492
lol also, what does an anemone look like when it splits? What should I look for?
Pedal fissure will look like you put a rubber band around a portion of the animal. (best way I can describe it). Slowly it will pinch inward and then the 2 halves will move away from each other a few inches. The remaining attached tissue will stretch and tear away. And then there will be 2, or maybe more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mlr492
I just took a picture of my anemone. I think it is splitting currently, I just didn't see it. I can always help encourage by feeding. But what this looks like is, the foot of the anemone looks like it's growing another anemone on the side of it. The grown is the size of a quarter. Does this mean the growth will eventually detatch itself from the foot and form a whole new one? I'll post pictures! Got some good shots!
Budding is another way of reproducing and from your description it sounds like that is what is happening. Pretty cool, cant wait to see the pics.


Here are the pictures as promised! Any idea how long the split will take. Also wondering, how often can an anemone split?
Not the best pics, I had to squeeze between the tank and the tv, and the camera is at an angle to the glass, but you should be able to see what i'm talking about.
Oh and sorry, the clowns were in the way!

What do you think?


Active Member
Yep... I do believe it is budding. Thats cool, I honestly do not know how long it will take. How long have you had the anemone? Anemones shouldnt split often at all, once every 2 years or so is common multiple times in one year is not a good sign and is typically an indication of stress. The cause can be from a number of different things. Poor water quality is right up there on the list, so is aggitation from another coral or anemone or even an overly aggressive clown house mate.


I've had it about 3 months. It's grown in 2x the size. All water measurements are good, but it could be that I have 3 clowns that all host in it, and sometimes they fight. And when I say host I mean, they leave the tentacles alone and dance around against the foot lol.


Will try to keep everyone posted with pictures. Still nothing at this point. Except lol everything else seems to be branching off, splitting, or just plain growing larger


There shouldn't be a reason for you to manually split a BTA. They split almost all the time in captivity. PD is right that increased feeding helps. Another way that has worked for some is rearranging rockwork. It may cause stress but some people report multiple splits using this technique.


Originally Posted by calaxa
There shouldn't be a reason for you to manually split a BTA. They split almost all the time in captivity. PD is right that increased feeding helps. Another way that has worked for some is rearranging rockwork. It may cause stress but some people report multiple splits using this technique.
It didn't start to split until 3 days ago, I figured it would have split from the stress of moving everything out of a 20 gallon into the new thirty. I am trying the feeding technique now. I am aiming for it to try splitting 3-4x a month.
I am going to be setting up an anemone ONLY tank, with clowns of course, to start raising my clones :) I'll keep everyone updated on this.
I have a tank build thread on this website! Should I start one here too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mlr492
It didn't start to split until 3 days ago, I figured it would have split from the stress of moving everything out of a 20 gallon into the new thirty. I am trying the feeding technique now. I am aiming for it to try splitting 3-4x a month. Woah

That might be a bit too aggressive... you could end up killing it if you tax it too much. Good luck.


Yea, live and learn I think.... I'll keep that in mind. Maybe not so agressive lol. The only thing I am going to do is just feed everyday for the first three weeks of the month, then stop the last week.
This should induce a split. I figure if I have 3 RBTA's already, I won't need a split so often.
I am hoping to raise some money through this though. I need to raise $6,000 by March, I am going to Senegal Africa on a medical mission trip with my church.