Splitting Toadstool


I've read that toadstools multiply by dropping babies & that they don't split. I've had this for about 6 months & it's tripled in size. What was one solid stalk, is now two stalks with a very thin skin between them. It's been pretty cool to watch it go through this growth. You can see where it's split then healed itself in the center. Can't wait to see how that last part goes



Active Member
Wow, never saw my toadstools do that. Head just keeps getting bigger so i have to trim it every few months or it gets to top heavy and shades the rest of my tank.


Originally Posted by puffer32
Wow, never saw my toadstools do that. Head just keeps getting bigger so i have to trim it every few months or it gets to top heavy and shades the rest of my tank.
When I got this, it was roughly 3" round. When it got to be about 4-5" I took maybe 1/2 x 1" chunk off. I started noticing changes in the stalk. It was growing in diameter, becoming translucent, and clearly "thinning" in the middle. Within 2-3 weeks there were 2 stalks with a thin membrane between them. Then the top closed & shriveled up for 3-4 days, looked like crap, was sloughing off lots of what could only be called toadstool poop. I thought it was dying, at first. When it finally opened, it wasn't a circle, it had split about an inch. Both pics were taken the night before I posted this. I can't get the camera in or easily move the toad to get a picture of the stalk. On one side, it looks like one big main stalk. On the other side, there are two distinct stalks.
It's beautiful when it's open, but getting way too big for my tank. I am too curious about what it is doing on its own so I don't want to mess with it, trimming, etc.


Active Member
funny thing is even if it completely splits on its own it may reconnect, I have had two headed frags of toadstool reconnect.