Sponge Ball??Whatzit???


I bought this piece of LR last weekend because it had this round green ball on it....it was rather smooth at the time but as you can see....it got kinda "hairy" in the last few days.
Also I chose this rock cuz of the purple coral.
Is this just a sponge , and is it gonna stop growing soon?
I mean,,just HOW HAIRY will it get?? LOL:D

nm reef

Active Member
Really difficult to ID based on the pic...but it looks like some sort of algae. Can you better describe it...or post a better pic?:cool:
I have both the green hairy ball thing and that flat purple coral on LR in my tank as well. We got our LR from the same place. I have been wondering about these things as well. I will jump in on this thread and see if I can get some answers as well. Anyone know?....
Did you get any pistol shrimp in your rock? I have three that I know about so far!


This thing was almost a smooth ball..been in the tank for 36 hours now,,,NOW LOOK!!!!
Tried to get closer pic but its in the rear of the tank.....dont know what the purple coral is.
Zafirablanca..no pistol shrimps in mine.


Sorry stupid question I have one and the kid who sold it to me did not know. How do you care for it, were is it placed in the tank????
Thank You!!!!


Thats a Yellow Gorgonian(purchased from SWF.com)..and its really healthy-looking awesome.
Its a filter feeder,I use DT`s, Marine snow, and I add Aragamilk to my tank. Every 2 days on the DT`s. Once a week on the other 2.
I just got a red Gorg last weekend but hes not fully settled in yet.


I have a purple one and it is shedding its skin so to say, is that norm???? Other wise it looks really GOOD! THANK YOU for the info...


Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the tree, so to speak, with yellow and red spots is actually a Diodogorgia. A Gorgonia looks more like a see fan, and not the tree that you have. I used to make the same mistake until I did a little research.


Active Member

Originally posted by eugenecjr
Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the tree, so to speak, with yellow and red spots is actually a Diodogorgia. A Gorgonia looks more like a see fan, and not the tree that you have. I used to make the same mistake until I did a little research.

Actually, Diodogorgia is a species of Gorgonian :)


Thanks for clearing that up..and IF I was wrong, its SWF`s fault..a yellow gorg is what I ordered,,,and THAT was what I got.