
Running a 55,all numbers are excellent,everything is doing well.I'm thinking of going from 3 average PH's to 2 more powerful (hagen 402's).All 3 currently have sponge filters that are a pain in the a** to clean.I have more than enough live rock,live sand,pre-filter on overflow,pre-filter at sump and an excellent janitorial crew.Do you all agree that the sponge filters are overkill.Someone previously suggested bio-balls on the intake of PH's to keep critters from being sucked in,I thought that was an excellent idea. Any comments


that sounds like a great idea, but I do not see how bioballs would fit...the bioballs would seem like more of a hassle to upkeep though when it came time...where as the prefilters you just rinse out & stick them back on...someone posted that sometimes they just pile LR closely around them depending on positioning in the tank


wow...that does sound like a good idea. i don't think you would really need the sponge filters except, like you said, to keep the critters out. i've had a problems with turbo snails committing suicide on the intakes of my hagen aquaclears. hmmm...i think i will give that a try. the thing i hate about the sponge filters is that whenever you disturb them or remove them for cleaning, the goop on the outside of the sponge goes back into the water....yuck!


Once you lose 1 fish to a powerhead intake, you will never take that chance again. I now have sponge filters on mine and accept the cleaning hassle.


you solve that problem, kietho, by placing ziploc bag of some sort around the prefilter while removing it; will no catch all the goop of course, but most of it...


Active Member
I have heard horror stories of animals being badlt injured or dying in powerheads. I used to have a 402 and do not remember any spounge filter coming with it. I also never experianced any problems with them and my fish or critters. But the idea of taking a zip-lock and getting them out is a really good idea.
I had a friend take a platic mesh and use plumbers "GOOP" and make a little stopper. He lost a pair of true percs in his ph in one day<a href="http://hometown.aol.com/flmeangl44/index.html" target="_blank">CLICK HERE TO SEE MY REEF. :) </a>


predator--your tank and setup is the coolest thing i have ever seen. nice work!! i don't even want to begin to think of what you have spent on all that <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
just thought i'd give ya a compliment.