sponge for dinner?


Probably not... but let me tell you about my crabby experience and then you can make a decision. I have two tanks and one is a 58 gal tank. I put in an open brain, scientific name of something geoffry. It was doing fine. Not great but fine. A few weeks later I put in an elegance coral. It did okay for about a week. Then pieces of it started disappearing. It didn't die all at once just sections would deflate, hang there for 3 to 4 days and then be gone. Stats in the tank (trates, trites, etc) stayed good. :notsure: It ended up gone except for the skeleton, which I cleaned up and still have. Then the brain coral started doing the same. It finally "melted away", I cleaned the skelton and kept it. I bought live rock and corals from a guy and put the hammer I got from him in this tank. The rest went in another tank. Bits of the hammer started to disappear. One evening I saw a crab on the hammer where the bit was gone and I knocked him off. Then I got to thinking. Could the crab be eatting the coral? I took all the crabs out of the tank and like magic no more of the hammer disappeared. Coincidence? I don't think so. I have since found that I missed one crab but the hammer is not disappearing any more. I think that I had one crazy crab that had a taste for coral.