sponge or coral?


Ok I hope you guys can see this, I might try a video so you can see it move.
But this thing has 2 vents one at the top that you can see and one just like it at the bottom. the Ric's cover half of it when they open up and dosent bother it at all. The think will close up some when a fish bites on it or I poke at it and its soft like pieace of rubber. Not sure if its a sponge or a coral. I thought I seen a pic a wile ago and can't seem to find it again.


Forgot to say that the size is about the same as the ric's and its skin looks allmost like a rock and kinda flaky on the edges.


Yea I kinda thought it would be hard to see from a pic, but the whole thing in front of the ric's is what it is and the whole thing will shrink up when I poke it.
I will look that name up and try and get a video of me poking it.


Active Member
From the little bit I can see in the picture, I'd say it might be a bivalve of somekind.


Originally Posted by mscarpena
I have no idea what you took a picture of, but the description makes it seem like a tunicate.
You got it right on the head mscarpen, nice work.
I just wish the sea squrit thing looked better then the rocks. Thats some killer camo it has, as now that know what it is, I think I have the poor guy up side down if there is a direction for them.