

I have had this stuff growing in my tank for awhile and I think I would like to know what it is... I think it is a sponge.. but it is really bright pink. It grows mostly behind rock and in dim lighting. Some rocks have large growths on them ,like 5"x3". I think its pretty cool lookin stuff. And it dosn't seem to bother anything else.


I know about the aptasia, I ahve a real problem with them. I have hundreds of them. But yesterday I killed most of them with a kalk injection. That stuff works better then anything I have tried yet. My peppermints havn't eatten any of them, I think that they were just getting to big to eat. I have read that peppermints won't eat them once they get so big.


Active Member
If the peppermints are full they won't attack them either. Whenever I have had a pep that didn't cooperate I just made sure it didn't get any food for a week. Amazing how they learn to eat aiptasia when that is their only food source.