Spot ID


New Member
I have a Brown Tang aprox 3-4". 1 Year old. Tank water tested last night at the LFS and all paramaters are good.
Four days ago some white spots on gill and a few on main body
Three days alot more white spots on main body
Two days ago same result white spots on mainbody and dorsal fin
This morning the white spots are turning brown and there are a few white ones left.
He is acting normal by eating and swimming around - kinda fast now but I think they all do that. I thought maybe it was ICH but I have not read anywhere when the spots turn brown? I lowered my specific gravity to 1.019 -1.018 as instructed by my LFS and raised my temp to 82 as they will help if it is ICH speed up the life cycle and kill the parasite. I do have a reef tank so hypo is out so is copper. 75 gallon. no QT tank. I have no introduced anything new except for a CC starfish about two weeks ago.

nacl freak

Pictures would really help, but surely sounds like ICH. You really need to set up a qt tank asap and read Beth's post on hypo. Every day you delay could mean losing your fish. Good luck!


New Member
Well I was unable to get pics of the Tang.
I lowered my salinity to 1.019 - .018
raised the temp to 82 - 83
and after a few days of feeding the fish garlic soaked food the Tang is looking a lot better and may be cured. I will give it a few more days and revert back to 80 temp and . 023 salt.