Spot on PB Tang


New Member
Hey all. I have a spot on my powder blue tang. I guess its about 3/4 the size of a dime. I've had the tang in the tank about week. At the same time I also added a Majestic angel fish.
He appears to be healthy otherwise. I have noticed him rubbing the spot on coral every once in a while but he swims around and eats voraciously. I feed the fish nori and one cube of frozen brine a day. All of which they eat very quickly.
I'm FO and I'm skimming, running UV, and have a titanium ground probe in the sump. Ammonia=0, Nitrite=0, Nitrate=25, pH=8.2, temp=78, sg=1.023.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
110g FO
PB Tang
Majestic Angel
Three-stripe Damsel
Scooter Blenny


New Member
Doh! I forgot to upload the pic. Here it is...
<a href="" target="_blank">Tang Pic</a>


New Member
After doing a search on HLLE, I would venture a guess that this is what the PB has. Its not near the head which through me at first.
I add a few drops of Vita-chem to the frozen brine before I place it in the tank. Should I put the drops on and then let it sit for a couple of hours rather than just a couple of minutes? Also, should I soak the Seaweed Selects in it as well?


i had a white-faced tang (A. japonicus) that would get marks similiar to your blue whenever it scraped up against the liverock-
looked like a dark shading on his side.
it would take only a day or two to heal, it should begin to shows signs of healing immediately if this is your case-
it doesn't look like HLLE-


this disease is black ick. It goes on my naso tang a lot, but it leaves easily. I treat it with a copper based medicine (around .15) treat it in a qt though. When gone it seems to come back in a month or two, its not horrible for it is easy to rid off (well for me and im not great with diseases so it must be easy). :D


New Member
The spot appears to be healing. Hopefully, he just irritated his side by rubbing it against something and its not an infection nor a parasite. I've been soaking all food in Vita-Chem so hopefully that'll help.
And I've never seen a fish eat so aggressively. Its like he's on a mission to eat every piece of food in the tank before the majestic can get any. Maybe he has the alter ego of a trigger...


New Member
anthem, I don't see any redness and it appears that the spot healed. However, the tang obviously has a gill irritation of some sort. He's rubbing his gills against the overflow tube and has been hovering in front of the water return when he's not swimming around. Other than being a little pale he seems to be healthy and will eat like a pig if I let him.
I've been feeding seaweed selects soaked in Vita-chem as well as frozen brine soaked in Zoecon. He doesn't really eat the sponge I put in for the Majestic but he tears into the others as soon as they hit the water.
I also did a 30% water change today. I'll do another 30% when my RO/DI unit comes in next week.
I can't really determine how rapidly he's breathing. Although I think its a little faster than the angelfish. Could this be Amyloodinium? This is a nasty bug from what I gathered searching on threads with these particular symptoms. However, I don't see any of the cysts associated with it.
I have a 10gallon hospital tank set up and hopefully it'll be stablized by tomorrow. I've done some reading on oodinium and some people seem to think that Cu isn't that good against it because it buries itself deeper within the tissue than the superficial parasites such as ich. I've read that formalin and/or fresh water dips work better.
Any ideas? Thanks.