Spotted Box Fish needs YOUR HELP!


New Member
This morning, looks like my yellow spotted box fish isn't eating. I've had him for 3-4 months now. He would usually come up for food whenever I feed but this morning it was staying from mid-level tank and below. Looks like he's very weak or lethargic. His balance seems kinda off due to his weakness. What may be wrong? Should I take him out of the tank now?


Staff member
SW, post up your water readings. Also, have you noticed any other problems with the fish? Breathing, flesh color, etc. Add any new fish recently.
What have you been feeding this fish.


New Member
Water is normal. Color of the fish is nice yellow. Fish is breathing rapidly. No signs of any ich or parasites externally. It's just resting on its belly on the bottom. Won't eat anymore.


Staff member
Do you have a QT? You could dose with antibiotics but in your display. What type of tank do you have?


New Member
My QT is just one of those containers that the fish store uses to store the fish temporarily for customers when they decide to buy a fish. I also have a portable air bubble maker that's connected to an air stone.
What kind of anti-biotics can I get for this situation?


Staff member
Sorry, that is definately not an appropriate QT. You can't put that fish in their. Take a look at the post on QT in the FAQ Thread.
What are your water readings, including pH, salinity, temp, etc.