Spotted Grouper questions.


I picked up a spotted grouper three days ago. I haven't seen it eat once. The LFS I purchased him from mentioned he will and has been eating anything from live guppies and ghost shrimp to bloodworms and frozen shrimp. Yet I haven't seen him eat in the last three days.
I place live guppies in the tank and the only thing eating them is my dwarf lion. Same with the shrimp.
Should I be worried about the Grouper? He is active enough.


Active Member
I know this was moved but still I wanted to post this.
Dont feed saltwater fish freshwater fish or inverts there not used to that diet and it dont have the right elements to sustaine any slatwater fish on a diet. Buy frozen shrimp or squidd.


Active Member
What are the water parameters (SG, pH, nitrates)?
Also, I agree with what was said above. Don't feed feeder guppies or crayfish. You would be better off trying ghost shrimp until you see he will readily accept frozen food. Try dosing the ghost shrimp with garlic to give them a fresh smell. That may do it. It always seems to grab the attention of my fish if they show signs of not eating.


sometimes it takes a while for the fish to get used to teh tank. I agree with dosing in garlic. Fish love it


The tank paramaters are fine. I have checked and double checked them.
Like I said he is active and appears happy, just not eating.
Stupid question, do I just pour garlic directly on the shrimp?


Active Member
He probly can go for month or so with no food so swimming well isnt really gonna help. When he starts to look skinny then you know it is bad. As for the shrimp dont pore it on just place some garlic juice in a dish and dunk it in then place in the tank.
I have heard some other stuff but have forgotten them.
I know there are many ppl who have gotten picky eaters to eat mabey they will chime in.