Spotted Puffer


i just got a Spotted Puffer and he should be in a 50 g tank... well i only got a 30g tank ... but we are adding on to are houes and then i am geting a 75 g tank... how long can the spotted puffer live and be well in my tank that i got now...?
do u know if he like would try to eat my invertebrates


i think theres something wrong with him to hes got this black stuff on hafe of his mounth kinda looks like it doesnt close all the way


and i didnt see it in time... and i put him in my tank...( what the crap was i thinking ) man.... i hope he doesnt get my othere fish sick or something or eat them


You should do research before adding any fish. A Spotted Puffer should never be in a 30 gallon tank.
If you're going to upgrade, the intelligent thing to do would be to wait to buy the fish when you have the proper housing for him. A 75 is the bare minimum that fish will need.
I don't know how long he'll live in that tank but I feel sorry for it. If you have other fish in the tank, the answer is not long, and your tank has a good chacne of crashing, costing you the rest of your fish as well.
You should take it back to the store so it has a chance, and research before you buy anything.


well see i didnt buy it my brother did as a gift and ***** isnt going to give me the money back for it so i am going tommrow to give them some h***... they asking him how big my tank was and he told them 30g and the guy told him thats good... and its not good.. and when he got home with it they was close and i looked it up on the called to day... and told them about it.... and they told me that they had no ganreties on saltwater fish and i told them that they are going to take back the fish its unhuman for the fish .... i have a 30g and it need like a 60g and it eats the stuff i have in here that i didnt want eatn.... and the guy there didnt tell my brother about it and my brother asked... and they told me that i would have to talk to the gm tommrow... and i told them i had a job and stuff they was just really rude about it and everything... but i am takeing it back tommrow ... if they like it not and its sick... its just stupied for them to sell sick fish...
and when i buy a fish i do look up everything up on it...thank u


i do... it was a gift from my brother for my b day... he ment well... how long would it take for it to crash


is it a toby or a like dog faced puffer or the brackish spotted puffers :notsure: like what colors are it


that can live in a 30 gallon its a toby those are small :happyfish


on a nother website it shows for it to be in a 50 to 60.... but i dont want it to get my othere fish sick .... what should i get for the fish so he doesnt like his mouth is black... on one side.... i dont want him to eat my inverts.... and my shells


Originally Posted by surfinusa
that can live in a 30 gallon its a toby those are small :happyfish
Lets not keep a fish in the bare minimum please. Just because it only gets to about 4-5 inches doesn't mean it doesn't like the extra swimming room. You want your fish to be happy and stress free.


true i would like for him to be happy and be in a big tank thats why i wann take him back to the store i wouldnt wann be in a little room even tho i could live in it doesnt mean i would be happy or sick free....