Spray bar help.



I made a spray bar the other day. It measures 28.5 inches in length. I currently have a 7 mag pump. When I hooked it up to the spray bar, it doesn't seem to be very effective. Do you think I need to go with a bigger pump now and if so, what size?

tony detroit

Active Member
I count 10, 90degree bends. Each 90 is like a foot of head pressure. Plus all the other bends before the bar. You might want to step up the pump to a mag18 or so depending on what size bulkheads you have.

tony detroit

Active Member
I just checked a flow chart on a supplier's webpage. At 10' of head a mag 7 is only 100gph. You really restrict a pump with a spraybar like that.


Currently I have about a 3-4 foot elevation. I didn't realize it would restrict the flow that much. In the thread that I found this setup - he used a 9.5 mag. Do you think this would work or is it worth it. I wanted to try something like this for better water circ + I'm getting some micro bubbles from the current one.


i am accually using a mag 7 for a spray bar on my 150g. it has worked great ever since i placed the pump IN the tank. i just piled rock all around it and you cant see a thing. mine mostly shoots water accross the back bottom of the tank (for cerculation behind lr.) then their is an extention that goes to the top in one corner and is attached to the center brace for the tank. this water just shoots straight accross the top causing lots of airation at the surface. imo. placing the pump in the water will help a lot.... you just have to figure out where to hide it.

mpls man

Active Member

Originally posted by iluvfish
Here's a px

hey iluvfish, i have somewhat the same setup , i have a wave maker setup on the back of my tank, wher did you get the fittings that go into ur elbows, i just left the elbows alone , but i wanted to reduce it down to get more water pressure through the elbows.



Originally posted by joerdie
i am accually using a mag 7 for a spray bar on my 150g. it has worked great ever since i placed the pump IN the tank. i just piled rock all around it and you cant see a thing. mine mostly shoots water accross the back bottom of the tank (for cerculation behind lr.) then their is an extention that goes to the top in one corner and is attached to the center brace for the tank. this water just shoots straight accross the top causing lots of airation at the surface. imo. placing the pump in the water will help a lot.... you just have to figure out where to hide it.

That's the perfict closed loop. One of the reasons I had my overflow built 6" off the back wall was so I could hide a Mag pump behind it and use it just like this.