spray bar/no spray bar?


New Member
Which is better:
1) Have a spray bar to return water from the filter back to the tank.
2) Have the water from the filter run back to the tank through 3/8's tubing positioned just under the water surface creating water movement.
Not sure what to do. Currently have an outdated spray bar running. I don't like the spray it creates on the bottom of my hood. Algea starts growing and salt builds up.

mr . salty

Active Member
Is the one you have now above the water level,causing this spray problem under the hood??? If so can't you reposition it so it is below the water surface???


New Member
Yes my spray bar is above the water line. I thought it was suppose to be that way. Sounds like it is ok to put it just under the surface. That's what I'll do. thanks Mr. Salty.