Spray paint or vinal


Active Member
paint. nothing going to get inbetween paint and the back of your tank so you dont have to worry about bubbling over time and perfect application. Besides being permanent painting is no big deal besides taping and using a decent all purpose spray paint.


I highly recommend Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy spray paint. It's about a dollar more than your run-of-the-mill spray paint, but worth it. Of course, proper preparation is the key to a good spray paint job. Clean the surface to be painted with glass cleaner and follow up with an alcohol wipe. This will ensure proper adhesion.


spray it black. the vynal doesnt look as nice as ppl think. i did see a guy put some dark window tint on one once that looked good, he had some reason for doing it with the window tint. i think he wanted to make sure his pumps had water in them or something

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by scrombus2
I highly recommend Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy spray paint. It's about a dollar more than your run-of-the-mill spray paint, but worth it. Of course, proper preparation is the key to a good spray paint job. Clean the surface to be painted with glass cleaner and follow up with an alcohol wipe. This will ensure proper adhesion.
+1 It makes for a tough scratch resistant back ground .Be careful when applying it ,if you dont follow the directions the second coat will cause it to shrink and crack the first coat.


Originally Posted by scrombus2
I highly recommend Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy spray paint. It's about a dollar more than your run-of-the-mill spray paint, but worth it. Of course, proper preparation is the key to a good spray paint job. Clean the surface to be painted with glass cleaner and follow up with an alcohol wipe. This will ensure proper adhesion.
Would that spray paint work on acrylic?