Spreading star polyps


I have some star polyps that are growing out of control in my tank. It seems like they are growing like weeds and the purple looking stuff they grow out of continues to spread from rock to rock at an alarming rate. I mean i think they are a pretty coral but they are on a collision course for my striped mushrooms.
Why are they spreading so much? Are thye notorious for this like xenias? How can i get them to stop?


Active Member
I don't think you can slow them down or stop them without making changes that would kill off everything else. I take out pieces of lr they spread onto and take them to my lfs for credit. (Lucky guy aren't I?) I then put fresh pieces of lr around them to spread onto. I've been doing this for several years. My only problem is some zoo's that have spread up the side of my overflow box. I'm thinking of trying to scrape them off with a razor blade but haven't decided if that will work.
Anyway, HTH and good luck.


Active Member
One thing that it means is that your conditions are right. You can do the rock thing like FlyDan said, or you can also cut them off the rock. This is a little hard and you have to be careful not to cut yourself. Either take them to you lfs for credit or trade with other members of this board.


Mine have been doing the same thing for 2 years.I have had to take rock out and litteally use a screwdriver and hammer to break apart rocks to stop them.I have found them still popping up on the same rocks even after I thought I had got them all off.I had one small rock with a dime size colony on it that I turned upside down and put in the back of the tank away from light.They have found there way back from that too.I have yellow polyps,Xenia and Pallythoa polyps that are doing the same.From experience I have started to isolate faster growers to help control things,and like another poster said fragging them by placing rocks nearby really works!