spring water


Active Member
Define spring water
If we let ourselves believe that this spring water we find in the 1 gallon jugs at the store actually came from a beautiful artisian spring, chances are very slim, and even better chance it's not.
Most of this so called "spring" water comes from some local or distant municipal water plant - and normally has some "cool" trendy name to entice us into buy it.
If it says on the label - that it's purified water - watch out too. Purified by what process ?
IMO - the only acceptable store bought water for this hobby is either;
or a combination of the above - including other things like carbon filtered, micron filtered, and so on.
Not saying "Spring" water at the store is going to be bad - just my thoughts on how it's easy to get mislead by marketing.
Hope this did not offend you se/salt, really ...
Just sort of a touchy subject with me .. okay ;)


Active Member
well ......
Then you should test it,or have it tested to see what it contains.
Only way anyone can tell if it's good or bad.