springwater ,yes or no?


New Member
I was wondering if anyone had any advice on using spring water for fish only setup? Isn't this water supposed to be pure filtered through the rocks?


Staff member
tikkit, what you want to look at is water that has been purified by reverse osmosis [RO] or distilled [DI] water. Spring water may or may not be ok. Look at the label on the water to see how it was processed.
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New Member
beth, I'm sorry, iread my thread and realized i didn't say this water is coming from a spring filtered down through the hills pretty close to my house. it's been running as long as i can remember,and people have been going to it and drinking it for years . thats not to say it's good , i'm just not for sure.


Staff member
No, no one here would know either, unless you have the water tested. I think, though, its too much trouble to go down to the spring and haul water back home.
Think about investing in a Reverse Osmosis system. They can be had for around $200. Or, you can ask your local water company to test the spring water for you. If they won't, they should be able to tell you where you can get a sample tested.


Ground water is always low in dissolved oxygen and high in minerals. The DO isn't a problem, but minerals can be. I used well water with good results for awhile in Northern CA. Now I'm using RO/DI. I'm more comfortable with knowing what I'm putting into my tank.


Active Member
Spring water can be unreliable. If a large rain comes it can fill up the water with minerals which could throw off the balance of a saltwater tank. Also there could be bacterial spores or other contaminates that could affect the water as well. It's best to use a filter on any water you add to the tank. RO is the best, but I have good success out of my Tap Water filter made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.