SPS advice


Hey everyone
I am interested in branching out into trying some easy SPS corals, but what I want to know is whether or not it is worth it.
Tank: 45 gallon (~ 36" x 24" x 16")
Lights: 4x95w VHO (=380 watts)
I've had very good luck with softies and lps (leathers, ricordia, torch, frogspawn, etc), and I wanted to try a lower-light sps like m. digitata. I've read on these boards that would be doable, but may not loook at good as they would under MH. My question is, is it worth trying, or will they be unhealthy and just barely survive (in which case I wouldn't want it).
NMreef, I especially would like your opinion, since I've read you had a monti under your VHO that did ok but not great if I recall correctly.
Thanks in advance,

nm reef

Active Member
I did manage to keep a couple of SPS types unnder 2x110 actinic VHO's and 4x65 10K PC's in a 55 gal display. A montipora digitata...a sweet hydnophora(not exactly SPS)....after switching over to MH they did much better...but they were stable and growing in the old system. If you were to try any in your current system I'd suggest monti's and insure stable/balanced water chemistry.


To use your current lighting, I would suggest that you make sure your water is very clean, and use a carbon and PO4 reactor. This will insure that all the light will pass through the water