SPS database and ID thread.


Similar to the zoo database started here I think the SPS forum can also benifit in helping people in deciding what they would like to have in their tank and/or even id a few that arent sure of.
1) a picture of the SPS.
2) the name or names that the SPS is known by.
3) how fast the SPS grows.
4) lighting requirements and flow rate
5) any information you want to add about that species of SPS.
6)your name or screen name is fine
after the list grows it will be recompiled into another thread and archived and will be updated as more are added.
*Please use a different post for each type of SPS to keep confusion down.
*Please if you dont know the name of it for sure post in another thread asking for an ID before posting in this thread.
*If someone has posted a picture of what you have dont worry go ahead and post a picture of what you have mutiple pictures of the same SPS can be used and will vary in color and size so dont worry.
*If there is a SPS that is in disput of what it actually is called we will try to get a deffinate ID on it
alright lets get the list growing.
There are no prizes for participation in this thread its a knowledge base only thread.
*please make sure that these pictures are free of copyright or that you have permission for them to be used. We dont want to deal with any copyright issues later on.


I will leave this up till tomorrow june 4th if no one is interested in starting a database and post pics and descriptions it will drop to the side and be forgetten..


Active Member
Dont ditch it, but it just might be too much all at once for everyone. Give it a few weeks and then bring it back up. I am sure it will get good use.


It will come back later but if theres no interest in it for right now this will fall away and we can start it again at a later date.


this thread was/is for the collection thread then the photos and stuff would be recosolidated into another closed thread like the ZOA database thread.


Active Member
Ive posted many pics of my sps in my own thread below and I know others have too. Are you wanting us to post each of our sps in spearate posts with the list of info you requested?
My problem is I generally dont know the name of the sps other than acro sp.


if you have them in a seperate thread you can post what thread it is in.
I not a very good IDer so if we can get definate ID;s on them that would be very helpful.


Active Member
Heres my thread:
My tank has:
Redish brown with blue tipped millepora - acropora millepora - fast grower and likes strong light for best colors. Tables as growth pattern
Purple staghorn acro - seems to like a little less light than the other sps. Medium growth rate.
Yellow acro sp. - loves strong light - fast growth rate
Purple acro sp. - strong light - good growth rate lately since being put in stronger light.
Tricolor acro sp. - did fine on the bottom of my tank, but seems to have colored up more when I put in midway in the tank. Slow grower
Purple tipped w/ pink polyps - acro sp. - colored up better with strong light - medium growth rate.
3 Montipora capricornus (Orange, Green w/ purple rim, and Idaho Grape purple) - all fast growers, color of green w/ purple tip did better with stronger light, idaho purple seems to be a lighter shade in strong light.
Purple Montipora digitata - strong light for best purple color. medium grower although starting to pick up.
5 Encrusting Montis (Orange, orange w/ silver polyps, green, blue/grey, and superman) All fast growers, the superman needs stronger light as the blue fades under medium or shaded light.
Green pocilipora - small - seems to do fine under medium light. started as a small frag so growth rate is medium
I have very high flow in my tank and they all seem to like that. Somewhere around 4300 gph in a 65g.
EDIT: and i should have more individual pictures of these if I didnt post them all in my other thread.


Active Member
Acropora echinata
Source: ORA aquaculture
flow: high pulsating, alternating, or surging flow best, laminar unidirectional flow not as desirable.
growth rate: moderatly slow


Active Member
orange: montipora digita
light: medium to high
flow: moderate to high
source: SWF.com Member
growth rate: fast
by: rkZ


Active Member
reefkprZ- a note should also be made about Monti Di's.
The tips SHOULD be light colored as they are one of the fastest SPS. Its a solid sign of growth. They are growing or dying and the white is fresh growth.


Active Member
Hey Michael, this is an awesome thread, I just think with the complexity of SPS's it's going to take some time to compiled. Please keep it right up top. I'll post one of mine right now. I've got 14 frags coming by fri. with most decent I.d's. But I don't know all the details about flow etc. I'll post them up as I have time, but with the holiday/vacation coming.....
Orange/Red Montipora Capricornis
Plating Scrolling coral with tiny polyps generally looking like grains of sand.
Growth = quick
Care level = Moderate, Easy for Sps's
Flow = Moderate/ High
Lighting= Moderate
White leading edge indicates new growth



I am sure it will be a work in progress for a very long time LOL the zoanthid thread is simliar to what this one will be until I figure out a way to compile them in a user friendly way. which I am working on.


Good idea Mike but you might find SPS are a bit tougher to "classify" There can be dozens of "green acros" each with it's own unique characteristics, think of how many montipora there are and how some are different in each tank. Not every thank will yield the same results per coral. I had a green monti that a friend gave me once, in my tank it had a pink rim in his it was just green, same coral different morphology. I would stick with "known corals" such as those from ORA,TCN,TFG,ATL etc, all those can be traced back to a single coral "known" instance and would prove much more valuable to your project IMO. Either way best of luck.


Active Member
acropora chesterfieldensis
dificulty - medium
growth - slow
light - mid to high
flow - strond indirect
Photo by chilwil84



Active Member
pollicipora - cadnium coloration from dr foster and smith
dificulty - easy to medium
flow - high flow gets thin branches as in picture, lower flow gets thicker branches
light - med to high
photo by chilwil84


Active Member
ok here we go... my full submission to the database

Name: Superman Encrusting Monti
Species: Montipora sp.
Growth Rate: fast
Light: High light, under low light the blue fades
Flow: medium flow
Photo: GatorWPB