sps frag ID please (pics)


Active Member
Sorry the pics are so blurry, you have no idea how many I took to even get these ones though!! stupid camera (stupid operator lol)
Anyhow, we picked this little frag up at the LFS last week for like ten bucks but I don't know what it is. Kind of looks like green birds nest. Seems really happy in the tank, have it up high under 8 x t5 HO, it's little polyps are always out waving in the breeze. All guesses welcome!!



Active Member
Picture is really burry, but Ill look around at some sps species to see if any match. At first look it kind of seems like a Millepora or possibly M. Digitata. Not sure though


Active Member
IMO, looks like some kind of Millepora, but it could very well be the ORA Green Birdsnest. I thought the birdsnest had more pointy branches, but the ORA looks like this one. Do the polyps that come out look sorta of stringy or flourescent bushy?


i have a frag that looks a lot like that and i was told it was Pocillopora Damicornis. google that and see some pics. it depends on water flow how it will grow... high flow will look like a birds nest, medium to low flow will be more sea fan like.


Active Member
ora birdsnests have a little bigger pollop than pollicipora and kinda makes me lean birdsnest imo


Active Member
Birdsnest or pocillapora, post a pic with the polyps close to narrow it down. If the tips of the skeleton are pointy, than it's a birdsnest.


Active Member
Pocilipora damicornus is MUCH more squat and branches like a cauliflower. It is called cauliflower coral for a reason!
! No but really, not P. Damicornus but I would say a millepora


Active Member
My camera juist DOES NOT take tank pictures well!!!
. some of the tips are pointy-ish....but one is more blunt. i have it up in a fairly high flow area but like i said it's only been there a week. I might be imagining it but i think it looks a little bigger. The polyps are in little rosettes
It doesn't seem to want to retract it's polyps....even at night, does that mean something bad? (I've seen it with them open in the moonlights)