SPS in a Nano?


is this possible in a 12 gal jbj? I only have 70 watt MH lighting. Maybe be a n00by question, but any suggestions of "starter" sps corals to get my feet wet? thanks


Active Member
I have seen a few people do acros and montis in nano cubes...dont see why not as long as you upgrade the pumps to increase flow...The 70w halide should be enough over the 12. If i were you i'd just start of with a couple real small acro and monti cap frags


how would a birdsnest or orange moni cup do? those were my two candidates. that or a green slimer frag. thanks

tx reef

Active Member
They would be fine. Just make sure to keep up with top offs, keep water quality pristine, and provide plenty of flow.
I have a 10 gallon frag tank set up with a 70 watt MH over it and my frags grow pretty fast.
Happy reefing...


Active Member
id advise against the monti cap. they plate out and get big fast. in a nano this could be a problem becasue it will block light from the corals underneath it.
if i was you, go for the birdsnest and green slimer. if you really want a monti, go for a digitata.

tx reef

Active Member
Just put the montipora cap near the bottom and it will be fine. It will grow fast so you can frag it often and use it for store credit...never pay for salt again.


Active Member
theres a difference between encrusting montis and plating montis. the encrusting would be fine because they normally grow flat to the rock. the plating will grow out from the rock into the water column and potentially shadow corals below it.


Active Member
i feel he could safely do an encrusting monti under that lighting.
something like a rainbow or superman may not hold its color as nicely because they're more light demanding, but a normal green encrusting monti would do fine.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
theres a difference between encrusting montis and plating montis. the encrusting would be fine because they normally grow flat to the rock. the plating will grow out from the rock into the water column and potentially shadow corals below it.

If it is near the bottom it won't cast a shadow over anything....


Active Member
i understand that. i have a few montis on the bottom of my tank for just that reason. but he may not have room at the bottom, with a 12g, hes limited on space.