sps only 10g nano build. tag along


Active Member
well my 90g is stuck at my parents house i pretty much gave it to my dad so now that me and my girl r moved in im gunna start a 10g nano sps only build. i just ordered a 10g acrylic truvu tank and im gunna drill it and put a 5g behind it as a fuge. not sure what skimmer but im gunna use 2 2x18w nova t-5 fixtures i was thinking the 6x18w nova but that is way to much for a ten gallon. as always black sand and i think ill build my own overlfow for it


Active Member
ya i would go glass but to drill them is easy but to put any pressure on the bulkhead cracks them they are way to thin. i drilled 2 with 2 holes with no problems but plumbing them up cracks them


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getting exciter. i dont have room for a sump really cause i am able to move my tank it my girl is determined to move it so- its coming next week so the 10g will be a sweet grow out tank. i wanna plumb it to my 90g but i wouldnt be able to put it anywhere. so i will make a nightstand that is deep and make my own little all in one tank out of the 10g i have no idea what to do with it after that. ill just give it to my girl and let her play


Active Member
so i finally figured out what to do anout filtration. im gunna "add on" to the tank. make it like most of ur guys/gals all in ones i will have the overflow on top and about 2/3 down with a small router and its gunna drop into a small fuge than through a skimmer (not sure with that, and help is VERY welcome) than through some filter pad set up to get out the gunk and stop micro bubbles. i have a seio620 and i thing with a return for the tank will be enough for sps. i am actually thinking going white sand instead of black. idk if i will do a hood or just leave the lights on the tank any suggestions?


Active Member
got the tank in i was a little dissapointed though i got an email saying before i sign for it make sure the tank is perfect well the ups/fedex guy just dropped it off with no sign and i was gone for a few days and if its signed off without the tank being perfect the warrenty is gone so it has a scratch on the back but i got the black back so u cant see it. here is the tank, getting the other light this week i hope

now idk if i wanna drill or do anything to the tank it will look nicer butidk if it will be worth it any thoughts?
anyone have like a 3d thing of a plan or something for the back?


Active Member
then um a pvc overflow thing. um or a inside refugium.
The In-Tank Refugium is a "safe house" that provides a protected area within an aquarium. Helps newly added fish or invertebrates easily acclimate to a new aquarium. Provides a haven for injured fish or corals, without the need for a separate quarantine aquarium. Also functions as a culturing area for small organisms that will eventually become a food source. 7-3/4" x 4" x 7-1/2" high. Large In-Tank Refugium (12" x 6" x 8" high) offers more space for larger aquariums. Both include a powerhead to keep fresh water flowing through the refugium at all times.


Active Member
sorryi forgot to take out the "or" lol. bro im sorry to say but theres nothing i can do to help. all you can do is run small Koralia or pump and put chaeto in the back and cover it with LR.


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Originally Posted by fanker
none unless my girlfriend buys them im not big on fish. i can keep coral better than fish
same here..i can keep sps corals but i can't keep a sixline wrasse even if my life depended on it...two died on me..