SPS polyp extension


New Member
I wonder what would make my SPS extend polyps at night and not during the day?? At night I see polyp extension, annd during the day almost none. I know my SPS are doing OK because they are growing and not losing much color.


That is true kraze,some types of coral that have zooxanthalle(think i spelled it wrong) extend at night.Basically because the zooxanthalle is photosynthetic and creates food for the corals out of its metabloic process.At night the corals catch phytoplankton and other types of filterfeeds foods.The zooxanthalle and the coral share a bond by helping each other out.If the zooxanthalle dident live in the coral it would be eaten or destroyed free floating around.Zooxanthalle is also what gives corals their pigment.hope this helps!


Active Member
all of my sps extend during the day and at night, in fact i see much better extension during the night on some of my acros, but my monti's stay open 24/7 seems normal to me, but i dont know about not being open during the day?


Active Member
polys should be out day and night....
what i notice is the tips have huge polyps at night and small during the day....
if ur sps has no polyps at day hours check for a fish that might be nipping at them....
sps will learn to retract during day hours to hide from a fish