SPS possibilities 12 gallon


New Member
Hello all!
I am thinking of upgrading my lighting from the standard hood on the jbj 12g nano cube delux, to the K2 viper MH 70w or the 150w. I am hoping in the next few weeks to upgrade my lighting to the MH fixture. As of now i have zoos, shrooms, frogspawn and a blasto. I was curious if it would be possible to keep SPS without a protein skimmer??


Active Member
Some people don't see the point in protein skimmers and still have success with sps. I don't think there is a NEED to have one... I personally think they're good..
I have the same system as you with a skimmer inside... and a couple pieces of sps (montipora) with the stock lighting. Although, that light you're looking at is also something I've had my eye on.


New Member
Ya i dont see the point in skimming especially with not much of an ammonia output with have zero fish. but i heard skimming makes the colors alot more vibrant.
Yes those lights are awesome. I saw some guy who had them on his 24g, or maybe it was a 14g, but all he had in it was clams and it looked absoultely beautiful. Think the 70w is plenty? or should i go with the 150w? The only thing holding me back from the 150w is temperature problems, and i dont want to invest in a chiller, especially on a 12g. seems a little stupid in my oppinion.


Active Member
Well, the fixture that I was looking at has a big fan attached under the light and supposedly eliminates a LOT of the heat produced by the halide bulb. I was personally thinking 70w when I was looking into it.. but if the fan is able to take a lot of heat away then I would probably get the 150w.


New Member
Ya i was looking at that model too. It seems like you could just attatch a fan yourself, and save the $$


Active Member
i would go with a 150w for better bulb choices. as for making colors vibrant, ill tell you right now that its fish poo that makes the coral vibrant


Active Member
my friends got a 250w pendant on his nc28 and runs it with some fans blowing underneath and he has no temp problem, so with the fans you should be ok