I have one SPS frag that has some white on the top of it. Ive had it about 2 or 3 weeks. None of the other frags have white. I saw some pics of other peoples SPS corals and a lot have some white on top. Is this normal?
My Montipora digitatas and my Seriatopora histrix have white tips and they are definitely growing... I would assume this is normal, but I am only going on my third week of keeping SPS.
I read your magnesium has to be extremely high to cause any kind of deleterious effect. Natural seawater is ~1285 ppm and you start to see problems in corals and clams at 8000 ppm. And, it would be impossible to overdose magnesium unless you intentionally did it; it is far more likely to be low then too high.
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I read your magnesium has to be extremely high to cause any kind of deleterious effect. Natural seawater is ~1285 ppm and you start to see problems in corals and clams at 8000 ppm. And, it would be impossible to overdose magnesium unless you intentionally did it; it is far more likely to be low then too high.
sounds good to me...
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
White tips are definetly growth, There's nothing wrong with it unless starts happening from the bottom-up or other places other than the Tips.
thats the only white i see on any of my SPS frags. Im going to wait a little longer then I might try to get a bigger coral
The frag i have its more like a round top, its not really like a stick looking.
And its white at the tip on one part. Im assuming its the same thing but ill try to get a pic tomorrow, but I can only take pics with my camera phone