Spy Reef has new and improved pictures


Active Member
I have started to improve my camera technique, so my pictures arent as blue as before.
Reef Basics has more topics also.


New Member
I have really wanted to say this for a long time. WHO REALLY CARES!!!!!!! I think you are rude and full of yourself! But.... I guess I can understand that being in the Military and all. I personally think you discourage alot of people on this message board rather than help them. You come across as being a know it all and I don't think that goes over real well. There are a lot of people who really help people out and give good advise in a nice and personable way. Just for future refrence, if I ever need any advise, please don't respond. I have a really hard time tolerating people like you. :p
I must say, pretty nice pictures, check my site out and let me know what you think...Oh by the way, wrong branch of service...GO AIR FORCE!!!


Active Member
BTW for those like Kymbra who have a problem with Burn...
Almost every post I have seen has been straight forward and to the point. No playing around. And honest.
Burn's got my respect and I think he is right on with his approach to reef keeping.
Also if you don't like what he has to say...ignore it. I for one will read them.
Can't wait to see the 125 when you get it going. Like you, all of tank supplie have been paid for in cash. It has been a slow process with some mistakes, and my tank isn't the prettiest around but it's getting there. Used stuff instead of new, DIY instead of manufactured, etc.
Anyway just wanted to say thanks and that not everyone takes your replies as offensive.


Active Member
kymbra, what is your problem? i really see know problem with burn and his posts as the others said he is very strait forward, no bs, and a knowledgeable guy. and, why do you have a problem with the military? i plan on going to college through rotc, and my goal is to become and army ranger. serving your nation is one of the most honorable things a man can do. i really see nothing rude in this post, he was just telling us about his website. bo


Good pictures. I like your blastomussa. I passed a while ago on one that was priced right and have regreted it. Need to get me one of those.


Great pictures Burn. And give my vote for Burn. have never seen any rudeness, nor anything that would make me think he is 'full of himself' His advice is much appreciated.


Let me know how you got the blue out Burn, my pics make my tank look like it runs on Actinic only. I like the pics and enjoy seeing other peoples tanks, it gives me something to measure my tank with.
Awfully snotty for being such a new member! Burn has great advise to give and you are only hurting your fish and corals by turning your back on him. I hope you don't have any problems with your tank, I for one will not be helping you.


Active Member
Wow, the response wasn't what I expected.
Kymbra, It is not in my character to sugar coat my responses. I only try to give only straight forward factual information.
If someone makes a big mistake I have no problem letting them know. It has been my experience as a leader(Yes I am a very good supervisor) that eventhough the first response to objective critism is anger, the actual information when thought about eventually hits home.
If you need advice I will respond, it is still your choice to ignore it.
I found that by putting the camera up to the glass that the blue goes away.
I appreciate all of the comments made here, positive, negative or indifferent.
Thank You,
[ September 04, 2001: Message edited by: BurnNSpy ]


Active Member
I think pictures help alot of people. How to set up rock, comparing healthy looking specimens to someones who is have trouble,...
way to go Burn. :D


Active Member
I think pictures help alot of people. How to set up rock, comparing healthy looking specimens to someones who is have trouble,...
way to go Burn. :D


Active Member
The new pics look really good.
Not sure what causes the blue tint to the others, but I sure like the colors of the new ones.
Looks great - keep on reef'n and thanks for the update.
Kymbra - that was uncalled for and very rude.
@knight - that was funny ;) politically incorrect LOL but still funny


Active Member
Nice site Burn. I didn't know you played Magic! I sort of gave it up when I moved from Chicago to Rockford and couldn't find any steady players. Bummer. Still have tons of cards sitting around...
Take care,
Dan'l :D


BurnNSpy: Wow! Your tank looks great and the pics are fine too :) You obviously know what you're doing.
Kymbra: What's your problem? and with the military? :rolleyes: Puleeez...That was one of the rudest posts I've seen on this BB...My husband is also in the USNavy and I know first hand what these men & women in the military sacrifice so that we can enjoy all the freedoms that we have in this country...that's something to be respected, admired and APPRECIATED! I think you're the one who is intolerable here...not Burn. I also think you need to just SIMMA DOWN NOW!! :mad: :p :rolleyes:


Looks great, Burn! If I ever get around to taking pictures and/or designing a webpage, I now know to press the camera up against the glass.
Are you having recession problems w/ the marbled brain, or has it always had those white patches around the edges? I have a red trachyphyllia with a small whitish patch on one edge. The whitish area was much larger when I got it (you never know w/ MO) -- I take it as a sign that the coral's health has improved.


Active Member
The Marbles brain is awesome and doing great, it is growing rather quickly contrary to what is published about them.
The spots are just a picture illusion, they are actually greenish in color.