spyware remover


New Member
hello there! i`ve got a online journal. i have recieved a lot of spam in my blog recently. could anybody advice me how to get antispam filter or something else to protect my blog? spamers send there a lot of links. that people are bothering me very much! but i should say that once i got a advantage from that people. they have sent me some links to anti virus programme. so i decided to visit this site because my computer started to work bad. i found there a proposition to download this antivirus programme. when i installed it, the program deleted all spyware from my PC!!! even such progams as Kaspersky and Nod32 couldn`t find it!!!! i could not even think that there are so many spyware in my computer!!! you could follow by one of this links. searching spyware on your PC is free!!! here are the link. anti-spyware So that people are not so bad, i think
See you!


Active Member
well im not clicking on that link in case this maybe a phishing based post. But on the off chance is not. THere are alot of free spyware detctors out there. But they dont constantly monitor your system 24/7. you basically have to run them periodically to see if you have been infected. Norton, Bit Defender, McAffee etc.. all have constant monitoring of spam virus etc.. and IMO is worth a subscription for a year.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
well im not clicking on that link in case this maybe a phishing based post.
Very first post... in the fish forum... well, since it seems fishy, I guess it fits, but I wouldn't open it either.
This is one of those circumstances where it sucks to be a mod, haha