Squidd, I hope you know this...



I will try to ask this as quickly and to the point as possible.
I currently have 2 ice cap ballasts running 250 watt 10K moguls with vho's but those aren't pertinant to the question...
I wanna get an Oceanlight setup
They run magnetic ballasts with 10K 250watt HQI's.
How much more a month will the electricity cost and is it worth it??
I know you can't give exacts without all the electric co's details but a percentage if you know it would be good...


They shouldnt cost any more than your current setup. As long as both run at their optimum power of 250W... 250W is 250W wehter its lights, a stereo, or a computer. Its all the same. THe only thing that would make it go up, is if you added an extra 250W ballast so you had say 3 vice 2.


Yeah, this was brought up in another thread though. The conclusion was that say...150 watts of PC vs. 150 watts halides, the halides are much brighter therefore use more electricity.
I am asking the difference between a magnetic and an electronic ballasts. Electronics run cheaper but but I wanna know how much cheaper. The tech at Oceanlights said it would be about 30% more but I wanted to double check...


The 250 watt HQI (M80) ballast draws more amps on startup then the 400 watt HQI ballast does but it runs probably just a few watts more then the IC do..You'll have more light so just cut down the the time you run em


Active Member
The difference in electrical usage between Elect vs. Mag is minimal and far out shadowed by the increase of "usable" lighting you would get from say... the 250 DE Mag vs 400 SE Elec..
The conclusion was that say...150 watts of PC vs. 150 watts halides, the halides are much brighter therefore use more electricity.
This part seems strange though...150 watts is 150 watts whether it's PC, MH or your toaster...


Hey, if you say it, I believe it!! But I gotta ask then why do all the electronic ballasts advertise for better efficiency and about how you will save money??


If you say it I believe it!!
Thanks so much!
The hubby said he feels better about buying the upgrade...see it all hinged on your response, thanks.