

New Member
I have a 55g that is one month old. I was wondering if it is a good idea to add stability to my water for seven days or longer?


im not sure what stability is but if it is some chemical additive. i think the majority would consider it unneccesary.
maybe post a list of ingrediants and what is it supposed to do.


i found it
it is seachems version of cycle basically adding bacteria to you tank. it will not hurt it IMO but it is unnessicary
are you having problems with some of your levels that you want to use it.
what its trying to do is hasten a cycle along or replenish bacterial colonies that will develop on their own over time.


Active Member
I have used stability at the beginning when I used to have nitrate problems. Everything seems to balanced itself out over time....I'm not sure if that did the trick or because my tank have established itself over time? :happyfish